What makes us Unique in the Fuel Polishing/Cleaning Industry?
Unique-Diesel-Solutions is unique in many ways! Offering on-site MOBILE and AUTOMATED Distillate Fuel Filtration to a variety of customers. We ensure ALL our customers meet OEM and ISO Standards to guarantee optimal results in their performance of operational and emergency equipment.
We help our customers with the right operational decisions, with an environmental choice. Fuel Polishing. No need to discard contaminated fuel that can be cleaned and re-used. Polishing should be the only option; for both the bottom line and the planet! Unique-Diesel-Solutions is doing its share. Do you or someone you know have problems with contaminated fuel? Contact UDS for solutions that could be right for your business.
Our Fuel Treatment offers such incredible benefits we use it on all of our equipment; even our personal vehicles! Fuel Right is suitable for use in Diesel, Bio-Diesel, Furnace Oil and Marine Gas Oil (MGO). Warranty Safe for all Diesel Engines and EPA Registered.
G2F™ can be installed on practically any oil reservoir without modifying or interfering with the operation of the existing filtration system or equipment. Common applications include diesel engines, transmissions, gear boxes, turbines, lube oil & hydraulic systems. Minimizing mechanical wear, dramatically extending the life of the oil and the equipment it is lubricating.
But not only that… our products and services can help you in a variety of ways! Fuel economy, emissions, engine performance, fuel lubricity… and the list goes on! Check out the Products and Services Pages for lists of all the benefits. Clean Polished Fuel can work wonders for your equipment!